Paper Airplane Factory V1 5 10

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This game is a spoof on popular scrolling shooters. You are to pilot the most unusual airplane in the world. Actually, the flying chariot is a more appropriate word. Your goal is to get to the finish, destroying the enemies on the way. SantinoXD6 is one of millions playing, creating and exploring the endless possibilities of Roblox. Edelbrock vara jection manualidades. Join SantinoXD6 on Roblox and explore together!


So this is a old project of mine that some of you might have seen 1,5 year ago when i posted version 2.0 on the mindboards forum. Since then there have been som upgrades and changes, so i decided to make a new (better) video and also post it here on eurobricks:).

Paper Airplane Factory V1 5 10 5

Paper airplane factory v1 5 10 5

The machine folds paper planes and throws them automatically. It has 2 NXT units controlling everything with 6 servo motors, 10-12 power function motors and lots of sensors. (The power function motors is controlled with a IR-Link sensor connected to the NXT) The big diffrence from this version (V2.1) and my old version (V2.0) is the look of the machine and alot of the function has been upgraded so that it's more reliable and faster. The speed for folding 1 plane has gone down from 2 min 50sec to 1 min 45 sec. It is also running from a external 9VDC power supply instaid of batteries which makes a big difference. I hope you like it:).

Paper Airplane Factory V1 5 10 3

How consistent are the results from the process? The planes that gets through the machines ends up almost identical. It do sometimes happend that the plane get stuck in the machine and need to be manualy removed but its kinda rare, most of the mechancal problems that i have encountered so far has been fixed.

Paper Airplane Factory V1 5 10 Download

The problems i have at the moment is: - messureing the air pressure, at the moment i'm using a spring pressed against a pneumatic cylinder with a sensor. It works fine the first 2-3 planes then the spring tend to stay in the pressure ok state even if it's not:/. The plan is to get a proper non lego pressure sensor. Controlling PF motors from NXT, sometimes the IR signal from the IR-LINK sensor dont get recived by the PF IR recievers so the PF motors dont start/stop when they should. But its kinda rare.

PF motors dying after 4-5 hours. Had it run on a lego event in sweden for 9 hours, replaced 2 motors after 5 hours.